Compact Discs from
Military Bands

         Miscellaneous recordings by Military Bands (Not for Sale)

CD Label        Title                           Conductor                Own
---------       -----------------------------   --------------------     ---
USMC            Overtures, Volume Two           Bourgeois, John R. (Col)  *
USMC            Courtly Dances                  Bourgeois, John R. (Col)  *
USMB-CD 11	Director's Choice		Bourgeois, John R. (Col)  *
USMB-CD 15      Live in Concert                 Foley, Timothy W. (Col)   *
USMB-CD 19	Charles Ives's America		Foley, Timothy W. (Col)   *
Heritage        Frontiers                       Lang, Larry H. (Capt)     *
Heritage        Portraits                       Lang, Larry H. (Capt)     *
Heritage        American Originals              Graham, Lowell (LTC)      *
Heritage        Premiers                        Graham, Lowell (LTC)      *
Heritage        Solo!                           Graham, Lowell (LTC)      *
Heritage        Tales, Suites, & Divertimenti   Graham, Lowell (LTC)      *
Heritage	Early Light			Lang, Larry H. (Maj)      *
USAF            A Jubilant Song                 Graham, Lowell (LTC)      *
USAF            Roman Trilogy                   Graham, Lowell (LTC)      *
USAF            Songs of the Earth              Graham, Lowell (LTC)      *
USAF            Your Nation's Air Force         Graham, Lowell (LTC)      *
USAF            French Impressions              Graham, Lowell (LTC)      *
USAF            Evolution                       Graham, Lowell (Col)      *
USAF		Signatures			Graham, Lowell (Col)      *
USAF		Russian Expressions		Graham, Lowell (Col)      *
USAF		On Dress Parade			Graham, Lowell (Col)      *
USAF		One of our own:  Alfred Reed	Schofield Jr, Donald (Cap)*
USAF-BoMA	Exploration & Discovery		Grimo, Steven (Lt Col)    *
USAF-BoMA	Auroral Skies			Schofield, Donald E (Maj( *
USAF-BoGW	Bayside Bravura						  *
USAF-B0GW	First Flight			Monroe, Douglas (Maj)     *
USAF Academy	Windscapes			Lang, Larry H. (LtCol)    *
US Army Field	Legacy				Hamilton, Finley R. (Col) *

Overture to Light Cavalry               von Suppe', Franz       USMC      *
Overture to Candide                     Bernstein, Leonard      USMC      *
Overture to The Merry Wives of Windsor  Nicolai, Otto           USMC      *
Overture to Don Pasquale                Donizetti, Gaetano      USMC      *
Overture in C                           Catel, Charles-Simon    USMC      *
Overture to Luisa Miller                Verdi, Guiseppi         USMC      *
Overture to Raymond                     Thomas, Ambroise        USMC      *
Overture to Fra Diavolo                 Auber, Daniel-Fancois   USMC      *
OVerture to Il Quarany                  Gomes, Antonio Carlos   USMC      *
        "Overtures, Volume Two"
        United States Marine Band
        Colonel John R. Bourgeois, Director

Three Dances from The Bartered Bride    Smetana, Bedrich        USMC      *
Pasquinade                              Gottshalk, Louis Moreau USMC      *
Fackeltanz No. 1 in B-flat              Meyerbeer, Giacomo      USMC      *
Sunflower Slow Drag                     Joplin & Hayden         USMC      *
The Courtly Dances from Gloriana        Britten, Benjamin       USMC      *
Infernal Dance of Kastchei (Firebird)   Stravinsky, Igor        USMC      *
Country Gardens                         Grainger, Percy A.      USMC      *
Matinees musicales (after Rossini)      Britten, Benjamin       USMC      *
With Pleasure (Dance Hilarious)         Sousa, John Philip      USMC      *
El baile de Luis Alonso                 Gimenez, Jeromino       USMC      *
Dance of the Seven Veils (Solome)       Strauss, Richard        USMC      *
        "Courtly Dances"
        United States Marine Band
        Colonel John R. Bourgeois, Director

Marche Hongroise from "La damnation de"	Berlioz, Hector		USMB-CD 11*
Overture to Tannhauser			Wagner, Richard		USMB-CD 11*
"Jubilee" from Symphonic Sketches	Chadwick, George Whitef	USMB-CD 11*
Symphony No. 3, Slavyanskaya		Kozhevnikov, Boris	USMB-CD 11*
Intermezzo from Goyescas		Granados, Enrique	USMB-CD 11*
The Pines of Rome			Respighi, Ottorino	USMB-CD 11*
	"Director's Choice"
	United States Marine Band
	Colonel John R. Bourgeois

Moorside March from "A Moorside Suite"  Holst, Gustav           USMB-CD 15*
The Corsair Overture, Opus 21           Berlioz, Hector         USMB-CD 15*
English Folk Song Suite                 Vaughan Williams, Ralph USMB-CD 15*
Postlude in F                           Ives, Charles           USMB-CD 15*
Catena: Refrains and Var for 31 Winds   Keuris, Tristan         USMB-CD 15*
Suite Francaise, Opus 248               Milhaud, Darius         USMB-CD 15*
"Awayday"                               Gorb, Adam              USMB-CD 15*
Scherzo for Band                        Rossini, Gioachino      USMB-CD 15*
Entry of the Gladiators                 Fucik, Julius           USMB-CD 15*
The Circus Bee                          Fillmore, Henry         USMB-CD 15*
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine             Sousa, John Philip      USMB-CD 15*
        "Live in Concert"
        United States Marine Band
        Colonel Timothy W. Foley, Director

Variations on "America"			Ives/Schuman		USMB-CD 19*
Overture and March "1776"		Ives/Sinclair		USMB-CD 19*
"They Are There" (A War Song March)	Ives/Sinclair		USMB-CD 19*
Suite, "Old Home Days"			Ives/Elkus		USMB-CD 19*
March, "Intercollegiate"		Ives/Brion		USMB-CD 19*
Fugue in C				Ives/Sinclair		USMB-CD 19*
March, "Omega Lambda Chi"		Ives/Sinclair		USMB-CD 19*
Variations on "Jerusalem the Golden"	Ives/Brion		USMB-CD 19*
March, "A Son of a Gambolier"		Ives/Elkus		USMB-CD 19*
Postlude in F				Ives/Singleton		USMB-CD 19*
Country Band March			Ives/Sinclair		USMB-CD 19*
"Decoration Day"			Ives/Elkus		USMB-CD 19*
"Charlie Rutlage"			Ives/Sinclair		USMB-CD 19*
March, "The Circus Band"		Ives/Elkus		USMB-CD 19*
"Runaway Horse on Main Street"		Ives/Sinclair		USMB-CD 19*
March No. 6, "Here's to Good Old Yale"	Ives/Elkus		USMB-CD 19*
"The Alcotts" from Piano Sonata No. 2	Ives/Elkus		USMB-CD 19*
	"Charles Ives's America"
	United States Marine Band
	Colonel Timothy W. Foley, Director

Also Sprach Zarathustra, Einleitung     Strauss, Richard        Heritage  *
The Planets, Op. 32                     Holst, Gustav           Heritage  *
The Thunderbirds                        Forte, Aldo (MSgt)      Heritage  *
Dawn Flight                             Wilby, Philip           Heritage  *
Blue Shades                             Ticheli, Frank          Heritage  *
        USAF Heritage of America Band, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia
        Captain Larry H. Lang, Conductor

Van Gogh Portraits                      Forte, Aldo             Heritage  *
As The Stars Forever                    Hutchison, Warner       Heritage  *
Tangents                                Wasson, John            Heritage  *
Firestorm                               Bulla, Stephen          Heritage  *
David                                   Melillo, Stephen        Heritage  *
        USAF Heritage of America Band, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia
        Captain Larry H. Lang, Conductor

Variations on a Mediaeval Tune          Dello Joio, Norman      Heritage  *
Ballad for Band                         Gould, Morton           Heritage  *
Canzona                                 Mennin, Peter           Heritage  *
Divertimento for Band                   Persichetti, Vincent    Heritage  *
Circus Polka                            Stravinsky, Igor        Heritage  *
George Washington Bridge                Schuman, William        Heritage  *
Symphony No. 3                          Giannini, Vittorio      Heritage  *
        "American Originals"
        USAF Heritage of America Band, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia
        Lt. Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

Tidewater Festival Overture             Washburn, Robert        Heritage  *
Symphony on Themes of John Philip Sousa Hearshen, Ira           Heritage  *
Dance Suite on Spanish and Latin RhythmsForte, Aldo             Heritage  *
Hallelujah Fantasy                      Hartley, Walter         Heritage  *
A Summer Flourish                       McAlister, Clark        Heritage  *
With Trump and Wing                     Stamp, Jack             Heritage  *
        USAF Heritage of America Band, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia
        Lt. Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

Aria  & Allegro for Sop Sax & Band      Pascuzzi, Gregory       Heritage  *
Fantasie Brilliante on Themes f. Carmen Borne, Francois/Watt    Heritage  *
The Carnival of Venice                  Arban, Jean Baptiste    Heritage  *
Concerto for Clarinet                   Shaw, Artie             Heritage  *
Elegy for English Horn and Band         Stamp, Jack             Heritage  *
Concerto for Bassoon and Band           Jacob, Gordon           Heritage  *
Tambourin Chinois                       Kreisler, Fritz/Watts   Heritage  *
Canzonetta for Euphonium and Band       Forte, Aldo Rafael      Heritage  *
Concerto for Timpani and Band           Jacob, Gordon           Heritage  *
Tuba Concerto                           Gregson, Edward         Heritage  *
        USAF Heritage of America Band, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia
        Lt. Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

Polaris Fanfare                         Jensen-Borsos, Nancy    Heritage  *
Donna Ieggldra e bella                  Gabrieli, G./Cody       Heritage  *
Quintet for Brass                       Shroyer, Ronald         Heritage  *
Three Pieces                            Peurel, Paul/Cody       Heritage  *
Tales of Nanabozho                      Buczynski, Walter       Heritage  *
Petite Suite for Clarinet Quartet       Forte, Aldo             Heritage  *
Divertimento                            Uhl, Alfred             Heritage  *
Suite for Woodwind Quintet              Washburn, Robert        Heritage  *
Suite of Old Lettish Dances             Jansons, Andrejs        Heritage  *
        "Tales, Suites & Divertimenti"
        USAF Heritage of America Band, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia
        Lt. Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

A Jubilant Song                         Dello Joio, Norman      USAF      *
The Saints Preserve US!                 Pinkham, Daniel         USAF      *
Rogues and Lovers, A Folksong Suite..   Adler, Samuel           USAF      *
Present Laughter                        Rorem, Ned              USAF      *
A Song of Moses                         Holsinger, David        USAF      *
        "A Jubilant Song"
        The United States Air Force Band - Washington, D.C.
        Lt. Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

Pines of Rome                           Respighi, Ottorino      USAF      *
Fountains of Rome                       Respighi, Ottorino      USAF      *
Roman Festivals                         Respighi, Ottorino      USAF      *
        "Roman Trilogy"
        The United States Air Force Band - Washington, D.C.
        Lt. Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

The Duke of Marlborough Fanfare         Grainger, P./Fennell    USAF      *
Lincolnshire Posy                       Grainger, P./Fennell    USAF      *
A Glorious Day                          Roussel, Albert         USAF      *
William Byrd Suite                      Byrd, William/Jacob     USAF      *
Huntingtower Ballad                     Respighi, Ottorino      USAF      *
Sea Songs                               Vaughan Williams, Ralph USAF      *
Symphonic Songs for Band                Bennett, Robert Russell USAF      *
        "Songs of the Earth"
        The United States Air Force Band - Washington, D.C.
        Lt. Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

Your Nation's Air Force                 Davis, CMSgt Michael    USAF      *
No Man is an Island                     Whitney & Kramer        USAF      *
The Sound Barrier                       Arnold, Sir Malcolm     USAF      *
Itazuke Tower                           Carter, A.P.            USAF      *
Sabre Jet                               Nestico, Sammy          USAF      *
The Ramparts                            Williams, Clifton       USAF      *
The U.S. Air Force Blue                 Scott & Textor          USAF      *
Good Morning, Vietnam                   Holland, Jonas, Fogerty USAF      *
High Flight                             Magee & Mann            USAF      *
The Air Force Hymn                      Hamilton & Baker        USAF      *
Aces of the Air                         King, Karl              USAF      *
The Right Stuff                         Conti, Bill             USAF      *
The Wind Beneath My Wings               Henley & Silbar         USAF      *
We Shall Be Free                        Davis & Brooks          USAF      *
Above and Beyond                        McBrien, Rod            USAF      *
Golden Dream                            Bright & Moline         USAF      *
The U.S. Air Force                      Crawford, Robert        USAF      *
        "Your Nation's Air Force"
        The United States Air Force Band - Washington, D.C.
        Lt. Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

Danse Slave                             Chabrier, Emmanuel      USAF      *
Escales                                 Ibert, Jacques          USAF      *
Palermo                                 Ibert, Jacques          USAF      *
Tunis Nefta                             Ibert, Jacques          USAF      *
Valencia                                Ibert, Jacques          USAF      *
Menuet Pompeux                          Chabrier, Emmanuel      USAF      *
Marche Des Princesses from Cendrillon   Massenet, Jules         USAF      *
Danse Bacchanale from Samson et Dalila  Saint-Saens, Camille    USAF      *
Daphnis et Chloe                        Ravel, Maurice          USAF      *
La Mer                                  Debussy, Claude         USAF      *
De l'aube a midi sur la mer             Debussy, Claude         USAF      *
Jeux de vagues                          Debussy, Claude         USAF      *
Diablogue du vent et de la mer          Debussy, Claude         USAF      *
        "French Impressions"
        The United States Air Force Band - Washington, D.C.
        Lt. Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

First Suite in E-Flat for Military Band Holst, Gustav           USAF      *
Second Suite in F for Military Band     Holst, Gustav           USAF      *
Canzona                                 Mennin, Peter           USAF      *
Dies Natalis                            Hanson, Howard          USAF      *
Symphonic Movement                      Nelhybel, Vaclav        USAF      *
Dreamcatcher                            Mays, Walter            USAF      *
Circular Marches                        Welcher, Dan            USAF      *
        The United States Air Force Band - Washington, D.C.
        Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

Chorale and Alleluia			Hanson, Howard		USAF      *
Psalm for Band				Persichetti, Vincent	USAF      *
Theme and Variations, Op. 43a		Schoenberg, Arnold	USAF      *
Symphony in Bb				Hindemith, Paul		USAF      *
Escapade				Stamp, Jack		USAF      *
Harrison's Dream			Graham, Peter		USAF      *
        The United States Air Force Band - Washington, D.C.
        Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

Naughty Limericks-Concerto for Orch.	Shchedrin, Rodion	USAF	  *
Ballet Suite No. 4			Shostakovich, Dmitri	USAF      *
The Firebird Suite			Stravinsky, Igor	USAF      *
Scythian Suite, Op. 20			Prokofiev, Sergey	USAF      *
	"Russian Expressions"
        The United States Air Force Band - Washington, D.C.
        Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

Olympia Hippodrome			Alexander, Russell	USAF      *
Queen City				Boorn, Walter Halson	USAF      *
On Dress Parade				Chambers, William Paris	USAF      *
Bull Trombone				Fillmore, Henry		USAF      *
On the Campus				Goldman, Edwin Franko	USAF      *
Independentia				Hall, Robert Browne	USAF      *
Black Jack				Huffer, Fred		USAF      *
Basses on a Rampage			Huffine, Getty Herschel	USAF      *
The Little Bugler			Hughes, Arthur WellesleyUSAF      *
Battle Royal				Jewell, Fred		USAF      *
Tribute to the Trombones		Keller, Don		USAF      *
Coat of Arms				Kenny, George		USAF      *
Kiefer's Special			Kiefer, William		USAF      *
Cyrus the Great				King, Karl		USAF      *
National Defense			Lampe, Jens Bodewalt	USAF      *
Slippery Streets			Latey, Keith Parmeter	USAF      *
The Kilties				Morris, Samuel		USAF      *
American Red Cross			Panella, Louis		USAF      *
Salutation				Seitz, Roland Forrest	USAF      *
Manhattan Beach				Sousa, John Philip	USAF      *
	"On Dress Parade"
        The United States Air Force Band - Washington, D.C.
        Colonel Lowell E. Graham, Commander/Conductor

The Star-Spangled Banner		Key, Francis Scott/Lang	USAF      *
Early Light				Bremer, Carolyn		USAF      *
Festival Overture on American Nat'l Air	Buck, Dudley		USAF      *
National Emblem				Bagley, E. E. 		USAF      *
Celebrations				Zdechlik, John		USAF      *
The American Red Cross March		Panella, Louis		USAF      *
Commando March				Barber, Samuel		USAF      *
Heave Ho! My Lads, Heave Ho!		Lawrence, LTJG Jack	USAF      *
The Song of the Seabees			Lewis, Sam/De Rose	USAF      *
Fort McHenry Suite			Giroux, Julie		USAF      *
A Hymn for the Lost and the Living	Ewazen, Eric		USAF      *
Taps					Traditional		USAF      *
Battle Hymn of the Republic		Steffe, William		USAF      *
Armed Forces Salute			 /Cray, Robert		USAF      *
The Stars and Stripes Forever		Sousa, John Philip	USAF      *
	"Early Light"
	USAF Heritage of America Band, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia
	Major Larry H. Lang, Commander/Conductor
Armenian Dances, Part I			Reed, Alfred		USAF      *
A Festival Prelude			Reed, Alfred		USAF      *
Thus Do You Fare, My Jesus		Bach, J.S./Reed		USAF      *
Theme from "Lawrence of Arabia"		Jarre, Maurice/Reed	USAF      *
Greensleeves				Traditional/Reed	USAF      *
Othello					Reed, Alfred		USAF      *
Gallop from First Suite for Band	Reed, Alfred		USAF      *
Russian Christmas Music			Reed, Alfred		USAF      *
	"One of our Own: Alfred Reed"
	USAF Band of Mid-America
	Captain Donald E. Schofield, Jr., Commander and Conductor

Journey of Three Rivers			Cheetham, John		USAF-BoMA *
Sunrise at Angel's Gate			Sparke, Philip		USAF-BoMA *
The Rough Rider				Booker Jr., Charles L.	USAF-BoMA *
"Open Ye Gates, Swing Wide Ye Portals"	Cheetham, John		USAF-BoMA *
Vientos Y Tangos			Gandolfi, Michael	USAF-BoMA *
Pacific Heights				Gorham, David		USAF-BoMA *
From Every Horizon			Dello Joio, Norman	USAF-BoMA *
	"Exploration and Discovery"
	USAF Band of Mid-America, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois
	Lt. Col. Steven Grimo, Commander and Conductor

Sasha Takes A Train			Portnoy, Kim		USAF-BoMA *
Of Thee I Sing				Danner, Greg		USAF-BoMA *
Concerto for Wind Ensemble		Bryant, Steven		USAF-BoMA *
Journey to the Cathedrals		Smith, MSgt. Dean	USAF-BoMA *
Auroral Skies				Gluck, David		USAF-BoMA *
Balm in Gilead				Ikpebholo, Shawn E.	USAF-BoMA *
Mid-America Overture			Chamberlin, Robert	USAF-BoMA *
Westward Sentinal			Archer, Kimberly K.	USAF-BoMA *
	"Auroral Skies"
	USAF Band of Mid-America, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois
	Major Donald E. Schofield, Jr., Commander and Conductor

My Spirit Be Joyful			Bach, J.S./Herforth	USAF-BoGW *
West Side Story				Bernstein, Leonard	USAF-BoGW *
Variation on a Theme of Corelli, Op. 42	Rachmaninov, Sergi	USAF-BoGW *
Seasons - A Symphony for Brass Quintet	Stevens, John		USAF-BoGW *
Music Man Medley			Willson, Meredith	USAF-BoGW *
Tailgate Ramble				van Auken, Zane		USAF-BoGW *
Four Spanish Pieces			de Falla, Manuel	USAF-BoGW *
Una Furtiva Largrima from L'Elisir d'Am	Donizetti, Gaetano	USAF-BoGW *
Dix - Sept Variations Op. 22		Damase, Jean-Michel	USAF-BoGW *
	"Bayside Bravura"
	USAF Band of the Golden West, Travis Air Force Base, California

Centennial Prelude			Martin, SrA Jeremy	USAF-BoGW *
Those Magnificent Men in their Flying M	Goodwin, Ron / Roumanis	USAF-BoGW *
Through Countless Halls of Air I. 	McBeth, W. Francis	USAF-BoGW *
The Soaring Hawk			Mahr, Timothy		USAF-BoGW *
King O' The Clouds			Hespe, George W.	USAF-BoGW *
An American Ode				Gourmanis, George	USAF-BoGW *
Eagle Squadron				Alford, Kenneth		USAF-BoGW *
First Flight				Yasinitsky, Gregory	USAF-BoGW *
The Right Stuff				Conti, Bill / Curnow	USAF-BoGW *
Knights of the Air			Frank, Frank		USAF-BoGW *
	"First Flight"
	USAF Band of the Golden West, Travis Air Force Base, California
	Major Douglas Monroe, Commander and Conductor

Windsprints				Saucedo, Richard L.	USAF-Acad *
New Era: Overture for Band		Broughton, Bruce	USAF-Acad *
First Suite in E Flat for Military Band	Holst, Gustav /Matthews	USAF-Acad *
United Artists				Fuchs, Kenneth		USAF-Acad *
Kingfishers Catch Fire			Mackey, John		USAF-Acad *
Concerto for Trombone			Shilkret, Nathaniel	USAF-Acad *
Jazzscapes for Jazz Sextet & Concert Bd	Vizzutti, Allen		USAF-Acad *
Resplendent Glory			Galante, Rossano	USAF-Acad *
The Circus Bee				Fillmore, Henry		USAF-Acad *

Golden Festival Overture		Barnes, James		US Army F *
Variations on an American Cavalry Song	Grantham, Donald	US Army F *
American Overture for Band		Jenkins, Joseph Willcox	US Army F *
Aria and Allegro			Pascuzzi, Gregory	US Army F *
Epilogue: Lest We Forget		Jager, Robert		US Army F *
Sunrise at Angel's Gate			Sparke, Philip		US Army F *
Dance of the Southern Lights		Richards, Eric		US Army F *
March, Op. 99				Prokofiev, Sergei	US Army F *
Finale from Symphony No. 5		Shostakovich, Dmitri	US Army F *
	US Army Field Band
	Colonel Finley R. Hamilton, Commander and Conductor

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Last Updated:  17 May 2014
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Copyright © 2014   Roy Stehle, Palo Alto, CA, USA. All rights reserved.